Current Book Available
New Day for Thank you
Being grateful involves noticing and experiencing people, places, and things that we value and appreciate. Research suggests that practicing gratitude can be associated with reductions in stress and improvements in hope and resilience--making it a highly beneficial life skill. Through the text and equally the illustrations, this book offers a real-world, multiracial, multiethnic, multigenerational cast of characters who function graciously in unison. One goal is that this reading experience might inform the caregiver and child, such that they can expand this grateful lens to their world. As the reader experiences this gratitude practice, may they be blessed with improvements in health and well-being.

Dr. Bryan talking to children about the benefits of smiling for themselves and others. Arming children with the simple but powerful effects of things like gratitude, kindness, and even exchanging a smile will contribute to their well-being and resilience.
Presenting New Day for Thank You, gives Dr. Bryan an opportunity to talk to children about what they are grateful for and encourage them to go home and share this health-enhancing practice with their loved ones. So many beautiful proclamations have come from these children and their expressions of gratitude, such as "I am grateful for Jesus and a roof over my head" or "I am grateful for a place to sleep and my family."
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