Mindset, Health Behaviors and Longevity

As we continue to pursue optimal health and functioning throughout the lifespan, one thing is for sure, adapting is critical as the biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of life are ever-changing. A positive mindset can be a powerful tool that impacts health choices and behaviors and is associated with a lower risk of disease and greater life satisfaction. Research conducted at Harvard in 2022 investigated the relationship between aging satisfaction and health outcomes in a population of almost 14,000 adults aged 50 or more. Aging satisfaction is considered a concept that involves one’s beliefs and perceptions around the experience of aging and incorporates many factors including vitality, purpose, happiness and quality of life. The researchers found over four years that those with the highest aging satisfaction had better health behaviors with a 43% lower mortality rate, participated in more frequent physical activity, experienced less psychosocial despair in areas such as loneliness and depression, had greater cognitive functioning, and reported a greater sense of purpose and optimism.

If we are blessed with the opportunity to work on our aging satisfaction (meaning we are still here and continue to age) our mindset can amplify our well-being as we learn to shift our focus. Dr. David Ireland, lead pastor at Christ Church in New Jersey, presents that “striving for thriving” is a productive option and our ability to cultivate a growth mindset impacts our ability to thrive (see table for growth mindset variables). Dr. Ireland defines thriving as…achieving a state of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health where individuals can handle life’s challenges with resilience, adapt to change, and continuously seek personal growth holistically.  


Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Growth Mindset

Fixed Mindset

Pursues Challenges

Avoids Challenges


Surrenders Quickly

Effort Pays Off

Effort is Useless

Welcomes Feedback

Rejects Feedback

Seeks Improvement

Stays in Comfort Zone


Health scientists encourage us to optimize the power of our mind, identify our negative stereotypes around aging and adjust them towards embracing what is available to us in terms of social connections, abilities that exist, learning, purpose, serving, giving, loving, practicing gratitude and more. Tomorrow is never promised, life is a blessing and today is the day!